Brighton - Leeds United tickets Premier League

Saturday 27 August 2022 Kick-off time to be confirmed
Amex Stadium, BN1 9BL Brighton, England

Compare buying options for Brighton - Leeds tickets

Compare ticket prices for the match Brighton - Leeds United, on Saturday 27 August 2022. Select the ticket platform of your choice for this Premier League football match. You will then be able to select the number of tickets and confirm the booking at the best online rate for this match at Amex Stadium.

The match Brighton - Leeds United has been played Saturday 27 August 2022. Please select another match: Brighton Hove Albion Tickets


Amex Stadium
Amex Stadium seating plan

Pricing and availability for Brighton - Leeds tickets

We list stocks and ticket prices for Brighton - Leeds United (2022-2023 Premier League) from well known ticket platforms. Ticket prices may be higher or lower than the face value, and booking fees may apply. Prices and availability for the match Brighton - Leeds United are set by such ticket platforms / the event organiser.

Brighton - Leeds United Kick-off date and time

The match Brighton - Leeds is scheduled for Saturday 27 August 2022. Please note date and time are not confirmed.

Stadium access

Amex Stadium
Village Way
Brighton BN1 9BL
50.8615790, -0.0836730
Access to Amex Stadium

Frequently asked questions about Brighton - Leeds tickets

How can I buy Brighton - Leeds United tickets?
On this page, you can compare buying options for your Brighton - Leeds tickets. Once you have selected the website you want to buy your tickets from, just follow the provided steps to secure your seats for Brighton - Leeds United.

Is kick-off for Brighton - Leeds confirmed?
The kick-off date for Brighton - Leeds United, scheduled for Saturday 27 August 2022, has not been confirmed yet.

Are there any Premier League tickets left for Brighton - Leeds?
If tickets to the match Brighton - Leeds are sold out on the club's website, on this page you will be able to review secondary availability for Brighton - Leeds tickets. To this day, there is no ticket availability for the match Brighton - Leeds.

Get tickets for another Brighton football match

You could not find the tickets you wanted for the match Brighton - Leeds United, then maybe you wand to check more Brighton football matches? Browse for more ticket options for a Brighton football match! Have a look at Brighton's fixtures list and access the ticket box office to start comparing prices for your Brighton tickets.